Monday 27 July 2015

Me And My Gaming!

Hello Everyone! Hope everyone had a fab weekend.

Over the weekend I happened to go into game and see they had loads of sales on!
Was brilliant, as i happen to have a Xbox one i get so bored of the game variety, the only game i really play at the moment is FIFA 15, Advanced Warfare and GTA5.

So I have been playing FIFA 15 ALOT, lately and I am very excited for FIFA 16 to come out in September, I am not to sure about the way they have changed FIFA, you can now have girl players in it, i mean it is brilliant for me, (being a girl) but I am not sure how that is going to go down when it comes out!

One of my other games, Advanced Warfare is going brilliant, i only really play zombies now, i use to play all of the Mutiplayer games but got bored after a while so at the moment i am playing exo survive! and zombies i currently have all three of the DLC packs.

I am waiting for BO3 to come out!! ahhh it is exciting as my best COD is BO2, i loved the zombies on that one, DIE RISE was my all time favorite map, so i am counting down the months, (4 months) till BO3 comes out, the zombies on it looks pretty awesome and if it is anything like BO2 i am going to love it! (goodbye social life)

Well that is all from me today, (merr its a monday)

hope everyone has a brilliant evening.

Any Photos I Upload Will Be On My Collection