Tuesday 18 August 2015


Result Indeed...


So  So as people know it has been two weeks and i have weighed myself again,

So my start of weigh was:

Weight: 10:11 (10lbs 11oz)

Fat:  28.0%

Water: 53.8

And after two weeks of drinking more water and diet lemonade eating a bit more healthier (was not a strict diet) and doing some easy workouts and my sequence exercises I currently weigh at:


Weight:10:3 (10lb 3oz)

Fat: 27.0%

 Water: 51.6

So i lost a whole 8lbs in 2 weeks,  (I know, it is not a massive change) but just doing easy simple healthy workouts and eating a bit healthier it has been amazing results for two weeks. (just think if i started the insanity)

Any Photos I Upload Will Be On My Collection