Wednesday 5 August 2015


Day Three

Here it is, My Day Three. (Fitness Workout)

So I woke up in such a great mood this morning, I had a shower and went to make my lunch for today. So here it is.

Breakfast -  Banana And Kiwi Smoothie. (Photo and How I Made It On Photo Collection)
Snack 10:00ish - Go Ahead Snack - Strawberry Flavor.
Lunch 12:00ish- Tuna and (light) Salad Cream, with a Toffee Muller (light) Yoghurt (Find Photo on Photo Collection)
Snack 2:15ish - Go Ahead Snack Bar - Strawberry Flavor
Dinner - Chicken Curry and Rice (Yummy)

I Done My Workout after I ate, again it felt amazing, i am starting to feel more stiff now though and my muscles are really achy, (I think i am going to be stiff for few days/weeks yet) I loved it felt so energetic.

Then After I ate and had some quality time with my son, me and my partner proceed to do our sequence work out. He is such a gem helping me out, as i struggle to do these ones.

  • 5 Sqauts
  • 5 Sit Ups
  • I tried to do 5 push ups but I'm still struggling to do these, I only managed to do one so need to keep practicing these and I will get their :(

We then decided to do planking. I lasted for - 20 whole seconds, (they are pretty tough) going to try and last 5 seconds longer each day.

 And I Tell You Why I Wanted To Do It And How:


Plank helps you to build strength in your core, upper and lower body so its a good full body work out. You do not need any equipment to perform this exercise all you need is a bit of space, and it really helps improve flexibility by stretching muscles and will improve posture if performed regularly.


The plank works almost every main muscle and here are a few: deltoids, biceps, triceps, obliques, rectus abdominis, latissimus dorsi, pectorals major, gluteus maximus, quadriceps, hamstrings, gastrocnemius.


  1. Start by getting into a press up position.
  2. Bend your elbows and rest your weight on your forearms and not on your hands.
  3. Your body should form a straight line from shoulders to ankles.
  4. Engage your core by sucking your belly button into your spine.
  5. Hold this position for the prescribed time. 

So i would say a pretty good day so far will update you again tomorrow.
Hope you enjoyed reading and once again joined in with some exercises.

Any Photos I Upload Will Be On My Collection